



PyQueuer is a tool for automatically sending/receiving message to/from MQ.

You may use it either in development to simulate the MQ sender/receiver or in test for automation.

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Docs on GitHub


  • Sending a message to different MQ brokers.
  • Supporting plugin to override sending message (e.g. to automatically update the time for a message in fixed file.).
  • Support to group some plugins in a stack to avoid too many plugins listed out.
  • Choose/type-in Queue, Topic, Key in GUI to send to.
  • Sending message from a selected file.
  • List all your file message with preview.
  • Enter/paste your message to send.
  • Select different MQ types.
  • Receiving message from different brokers of different MQ.
  • Support up to 5 consumers same time to different brokers.
  • Choose/type-in Queue, Topic, Key in GUI to receive from.
  • Automatically consume new message.
  • Automatically save received message to file you specified.
  • Settings by account to customize your MQ configurations and others.
  • Supports setting groups to face different servers (TODO: planned)

Quick Started

to be written
Samuel Chen
developer, architect

My interests include cloud as a software, distributed web system, mobile computing and programmable matter.